A Father's Birthday, A Shadow of Doubt

A Father's Birthday, A Shadow of Doubt
November 5, 2024, should have been a day of celebration. It was my father's birthday, a day marked by laughter, shared stories, and the warmth of family. But instead, a chilling fear cast a shadow over the day, leaving me anxious and unsure.
It all began with a phone call from Gracia, her voice laced with concern. "Someone called about your St. Peter plan," she said, her words tumbling out in a rush. "They claimed they were you, and someone used your plan."
A wave of calm confusion washed over me. "What?!" I exclaimed, my voice rising in an anxious pitch. "I just signed up for a new plan yesterday! I talked to an agent, Aizel, from the St. Peter branch in Lucena."
Gracia, ever the calm one, tried to soothe me. "Don't worry," she said. "Jen said everything's fine. Someone probably just tried to scam you."
But the seed of doubt had been planted. My mind raced, replaying the conversation I had with Aizel, the details of my new plan, the seemingly harmless exchange of information. A wave of anger, mixed with a cold dread, washed over me. How could someone be so brazen? How could they try to steal my hard-earned money?
I immediately called Aizel, hoping for some reassurance, some explanation. But her phone was out of reach. My anxiety spiked. Was she in on it? Was this a carefully orchestrated scam?
Then, a glimmer of hope. Gracia called again, her voice lighter this time. "Jen said everything's fine," she repeated. "She checked with St. Peter, and apparently, your account is active and cannot be terminated."
Relief flooded through me, washing away the panic. But a lingering sense of unease remained. I needed to confirm this. I needed to see it for myself.
At 3 pm, my phone buzzed again. It was Aizel. "I'm so sorry about what happened," she said, her voice filled with concern. "I just wanted to assure you that no one can access your account without your certificate. You're safe."
Her words were a balm to my frayed nerves. But I still needed to see it for myself. I decided to go to the Lucena branch tomorrow, to confirm the transaction, to see the details of my new plan, and to ensure that no one had tampered with my account.
I hope this is all just a misunderstanding. I hope that no one is trying to scam me. I hope that Aizel is who she says she is, and that she's not part of some elaborate scheme. But until I see it for myself, the doubt will linger.
I'll keep you updated, diary. And hopefully tomorrow, I can finally celebrate Dad's birthday without this cloud of worry hanging over me.
#FraudulentActivity #StPeterPlan #BirthdayBlues #TrustIssues

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