We should leave Earth - a dream July 23, 2024 - Tayabas

The Elephant in the Room: A Dream of Escape
The dream started innocently enough. I was in a classroom, not unlike the one I attended as a child. But this classroom was filled with a strange, unsettling tension. In the center, a young boy named Oliver sat huddled with a group of adults, his eyes wide with a mixture of fear and fascination. The adults were frantically frying something, the aroma of sizzling fat filling the air.

"The smell will attract them."
I looked around, searching for the source of their fear. Then I saw them – a man huddled outside the classroom doors, his eyes gleaming with hunger. He was not alone. They were desperate, their faces gaunt and their bodies thin. They were the "hungry people," the adults had called them.
As the adults finished frying. They killed the parents and steal their food, their faces twisted with a primal hunger, and then proceeded to fry his parents body instead. Oliver, still alive, watched in horror as he saw his parents in the frying pan.He was then forced to eat the remains of his parents, the taste of his own family clinging to his tongue.
The scene shifted. I found myself in a vast, alien landscape, standing beside a woman with eyes that held a deep, ancient wisdom. She was from another planet, she explained, and she had come to Earth to help. But something was wrong. The people she had encountered were becoming increasingly primitive, their minds clouded by a strange, animalistic instinct. They were losing their humanity.
"I don't know how to save them all," she admitted, her voice heavy with sadness. "But I can save you, Oliver. You have seen what is happening. You can tell me what I need to know."
Oliver, still reeling from the trauma of his experience, was confused. He didn't understand why he was being saved, why the woman was so concerned. But he knew one thing: he had to escape this place. He had to get away from the hungry people, from the darkness that had consumed his world.
Then I woke up.
The dream lingered, its images vivid and unsettling. The smell of frying fat, the screams of Oliver, the woman's desperate plea for help – they all swirled in my mind, refusing to be forgotten. As the dream faded, a chilling realization dawned on me: Earth is an island. An island of beauty and wonder, but also an island of darkness and despair. It gives us everything we need to survive, but it also takes everything away in the end.
The people living on this island are trapped in a cycle of endless consumption and oblivion. They are so consumed by their own desires, so blinded by their own fears, that they cannot see the truth: there are other worlds out there, other possibilities. But Earth is a prison, a place that traps its inhabitants in a perpetual state of amnesia. It consumes our memories, our hopes, our dreams. It makes us forget that we are not alone.
The island in "The Life of Pi" is a perfect metaphor for Earth. It is a place of both beauty and danger, a place that offers us everything we need to survive, but also a place that can easily consume us. The island in the story is a symbol of the allure and the danger of the natural world, a world that can both nurture and destroy.
Earth is like that island. It is a place of incredible beauty and wonder, but it also harbors a darkness that can easily consume us. We are trapped in a cycle of endless consumption, our minds clouded by our own desires and fears. We forget that there are other worlds out there, other possibilities. We forget that we are not alone.
The dream of Oliver, the woman from another planet, and the hungry people is a warning. It is a warning that we are not alone, that there are other worlds out there, and that we must find a way to escape this island before it consumes us all.
The Matrix, a film that explores the themes of reality and illusion, offers a similar warning. The characters in the Matrix are trapped in a simulated reality, unaware of the true nature of their existence. They are like the people on Earth, consumed by their own desires and fears, unable to see the truth.
We must wake up. We must break free from the cycle of consumption and oblivion. We must remember that we are not alone. We must find a way to escape this island before it consumes us all.


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