Dream - Tayabas 2024 - 03-31-2024

Once upon a dream, I found myself in an exam room surrounded by my college classmates. The weight of the test pressed upon me, as I realized I hadn't studied or prepared for it. Anxiety gripped my heart as I struggled to answer the questions, feeling lost and uncertain.
However, amidst the struggle, a glimmer of hope emerged. I managed to answer a few items correctly, giving me a flicker of confidence. As we finished the test and began checking our answers, an unexpected opportunity presented itself. We were given the chance to review our own papers and make corrections.
But as I contemplated changing my answers, a wave of self-doubt washed over me. A classmate's judgmental gaze seemed to question my credibility, making me hesitate. In that class, I was known as the top student, and the pressure to excel weighed heavily upon me.
Despite my doubts, I remembered that the professor held great favor towards me. I was his favorite student, and he had a special plan in place for me. He had devised a formula that would allow me to pass the exam, even if I had only answered half of the questions correctly.
As I counted my score, a particular question caught my attention. It was about ANTM, the popular reality show "America's Next Top Model." Curiosity sparked within me, and I mustered the courage to approach the professor. With utmost respect, I asked, "Sir, what is the relevance of ANTM to our exam?"
To my surprise, the professor's face lit up with delight. He commended me for daring to question the exam and thanked me for bringing it up. In that moment, I felt a surge of pride and accomplishment. I had caught the unusual question and sparked a meaningful conversation.
And then, just like that, I woke up from the dream. Although it was just a figment of my imagination, it left me with a sense of empowerment. It reminded me of the importance of curiosity, questioning, and challenging the norm. Dreams have a way of revealing our deepest desires and fears, and this dream served as a reminder to embrace both the challenges and the unexpected opportunities that come our way.

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