Introduction: In the pursuit of personal growth and self-discovery, it is essential to strike a delicate balance between trusting our minds and embracing the power of our dreams and capabilities. While our minds are a powerful tool, they can be influenced by biases and limitations that may hinder our progress. Drawing from my personal experiences, I have come to understand the importance of questioning the thoughts that arise in my mind and opening myself up to the possibilities that lie beyond its confines. Join me as I share my journey of navigating this balance and discovering the transformative potential of believing in our dreams while acknowledging the fallibility of our minds. Trusting the Mind: Our minds are incredible instruments, capable of processing vast amounts of information, analyzing situations, and making decisions. Throughout our lives, we are taught to rely on our minds as a reliable source of guidance and understanding. However, it is crucial to re...
In my dream, I found myself standing in the vast expanse of an airport. The hustle and bustle of travelers around me created a cacophony of sounds, but my focus was solely on the other side of the terminal. There, I saw my family, their faces a blend of anticipation and melancholy, preparing to board a plane to a new destination. I too was embarking on a journey, but our paths were diverging. The distance between us seemed to stretch further with each passing moment. Overcome with emotion, I shouted a heartfelt goodbye across the terminal. The words echoed around me, a stark contrast to the noise of the airport. Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring my vision. The pain of separation was sharp, like a physical ache. A sense of foreboding washed over me, as if I was saying goodbye for the last time. The thought was chilling - the idea that this might be the last time they'd see me alive. Suddenly, the dream shifted, and I found myself jolted awake. The remn...
In my dream, it felt like we were in a different world, accompanied by our family. It felt like we were inside the terminal of an airplane. I saw my cousin, Seek, sleeping on a throw pillow, looking uncomfortable. We decided to move him to a different spot, but he was still fast asleep. I couldn't help but laugh at how he looked while sleeping. Suddenly, an announcement was made that it was time for us to board the airplane. We hurriedly walked towards the boarding area, but the path we took was made of wooden planks with ankle-deep floodwater. Some people were walking on an elevated bridge on the other side. We managed to get on the plane, and I was assigned to seat #8. I noticed that the interior of the plane resembled a room in a house. There were bunk beds divided by blankets and chairs with assigned numbers. When I saw my seat, it was a monoblock chair with someone still sitting on it. However, as soon as I mentioned that it was my seat, the woman left. I was rel...